
The cost of synthetic fertilizer use has skyrocketed and its production and use has negative impacts on the land, human health and environment.

Biofertilizers are natural alternatives to synthetic fertilizers, they are composed of living beneficial microorganisms that help plants grow naturally.

  • Their use allows us to grow more of healthier food without the negative effects of synthetic fertilizers on the environment. Biofertilizer use also reduces the cost invested in agricultural production.

  • In nature there are no synthetic fertilizers, plants are able to get all the nutrients and support they need from their interactions with other organisms in and around them.

    The interaction between the plants bacteria, fungi and nematodes is a symbiotic interaction in which all parties benefit.

    The organisms provide to the plant nutrients, stimulatory molecules and biocontrol properties. This support increases the plants ability to resist stress from pathogen to environment. The plants provide a carbon source, amino acids, shelter and other properties to their neighboring organisms.

  • Microbes Alive Concentrated Organic Inoculant is composed of the full complement of beneficial organisms present in natural forests soil. It allows your plants to grow as healthy as those in the forest, naturally without or with greatly reduced synthetic fertilizer use.

  • Biofertilizer properties such as nitrogen fixation, carbon fixation, phosphorous solubilization, micronutrient release and more.

    Biostimulator properties such as : improved rooting, environmental stress mitigation like drought, increased branching, higher sugar content in fruits and more

    Biocontrol properties such as : pathogen and pest mitigation. Fungal and bacterial pathogens cannot infect the plant, insects cannot feed on the plant and more.



