
The demand for renewable energy resources is now more important than is has ever been before due to the current environmental and sociopolitical climate.

Biofuels is the term given to fuels such as ethanol, butanol, gasoline and diesel produced from biological resources. Production and use of these fuels contributes to a zero carbon footprint future.

  • The cost of gas derived from fossil fuels has skyrocketed due to sociopolitical and economic issues.

    Biofuels with further research and development present a sustainable cost effective alternative to fossil fuels

  • A variety of biological materials such as agricultural waste, algae, animal waste and wood shavings are the starter materials used.

    These materials are first broken down in a deconstruction step by physiochemical treatment methods such as gasification or pyrolysis.

    The deconstruction step breaks down the raw materials into components which are converted into biofuels by biological or chemical reactions.

    Produced biofuels must then undergo further processing and purification before use as fuels in engines.

  • The use of vetiver grass and agricultural waste as a lignocellulosic feedstock for an optimized bioreactor containing microbial consortia.


Antibiotic bioprospecting

