Bioremediation of Oil

The use of fossil fuels is a major part of our economy, as a result of its widespread use there are many accidental releases of it into the environment and oily waste generated.

The current methods for remediation of spillages and waste are not environmentally friendly and contributes to their negative effects on climate.

A novel system is being developed that can remediate terrestrial oil spills and waste in a sustainable and economic manner in cold, tropical and Saharan climates.

  • It allows us to take responsibility for actions against the environment in a sustainable manner.

    The technology is aligned with sustainable development goals of : affordable and clean energy, industry, life on land and climate action.

  • Oil contaminated soil is contained and augmented with defined combinations of plant, microbial, material and engineering methods.

    The system and the oil in the contaminated soil is qualitatively and quantitatively assessed for a period of sixty days.

    After contaminated soil is remediated it can be used for other purposes. Biomass produced from remediation is subsequently used in biofuel production

  • It can be used in Saharan, tropical and cold climates to remediate terrestrial oil spills and oily waste in an environmental friendly and economic manner.

    Plant material generated from remediation can then be used for biofuel production, creating a closed loop system for energy production.

  • The technology is licensable and can be used by those in the oily waste remediation industry. It is a more economic and environmentally alternative to traditional incineration methods, allowing those who use the technology to remediate waste at a lower cost.

Lab test !

Bacteria cultures were allowed to grow in liquid medium with a layer of oil added to the top as the sole carbon source. After 48 hours the oil on the surface began to break down and emulsify, which is evident of the bacteria’s ability to degrade the oil and produce surfactant to disperse it.

Bacteria in liquid culture degrading oil, the emulsified oil is evidence of such.




Plant Tissue culture